Updated 7th July 2021
Proof of Vaccination
We have received an increased number of calls from patients with queries about the "COVID vaccination passports". While we will always try to assist patients with these queries we ask that people first read the information on the government website which includes details of how to access the app and alternative ways of obtaining proof of vaccination.
Further information can be found at the following link: CoronavirusVaccination
We have been able to offer COVID vaccinations at the Mulberry Centre in Berrow for patients in the first 9 priority groups as identified by the JCVI. Please be aware that from the week commencing 22nd March 2021 the Mulberry Centre will cease to offer first COVID vaccinations. Any patients requiring a first vaccination after that date will need to phone 119 to book an appointment.
If you have already received a first COVID vaccination at the Mulberry Centre you will be contacted to arrange your second vaccination in due course.
Please note that you are not able to have your vaccination at our surgery. You must attend one of the vaccination centres unless you are housebound.
**Oxford Astrazeneca update**
On 7 April 2021, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) issued new advice, concluding a possible link between the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca and extremely rare, unlikely to occur blood clots. It concluded that the benefits of vaccination continue to outweigh any risks but advised careful consideration be given to people who are at higher risk of specific types of blood clots because of their medical condition.
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has weighed the relative balance of benefits and risks of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine and advise that:
- the benefits of prompt vaccination with the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine far outweigh the risk of adverse events for individuals 30 years of age and over and those who have underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of severe COVID-19 disease.
- It is preferable for adults aged under 30 years without underlying health conditions that put them at higher risk of severe COVID-19 disease, to be offered an alternative COVID-19 vaccine, if available. People may make an informed choice to receive the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine to receive earlier protection.
Who can have the Vaccine?
The NHS defninition of a carer is as follows:
A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid.
If you genuinely believe that you provide care for someone and they cannot cope without your support, whether they are a family member or friend or neighbour, please let us know. Please explain who you care for and the reason you believe they cannot cope without you. We will need to have permission from the person concerned to code you as their carer.
For further information on Carers please click on this link
Aged 16 - 64 WITH a long term health condition
You will shortly be contacted, either by text or phone, and invited to attend the local vaccination centre. Please see the criteria for this group:
- Chronic respiratory disease *
- Chronic heart disease and vascular disease
- Chronic kidney disease
- Chronic liver disease
- Chronic neurological disease, including severe or profound learning disability
- Diabetes mellitus
- Immunosuppression
- Asplenia or dysfunction of the spleen
- Morbid obesity
- Severe mental illness
- Younger adults in long-stay in-patient, nursing and residential care settings
- Adult carers
Those who are in receipt of a carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person, someone who has a severe mental illness or whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill.
* Asthma
An individual with a more severe case of asthma may have been included in the Clinically Extremely Vulnerable group, in which case they will be vaccinated in a higher priority group.
People with asthma which requires continuous or repeated use of systemic steroids or with previous exacerbations requiring hospital admission, will be vaccinated in priority group 6.
This will include:
- anyone who has ever had an emergency asthma admission or;
- those who have an asthma diagnosis and have had 3 prescriptions for oral steroids over a 3-month period (each prescription must fall within separate individual month windows), as an indication of repeated or continuous oral steroids.
Aged 50+
You will be shortly be receiving a letter from the national booking service. Please follow the instructions in the letter or click on the link below to book an appointment at a mass vaccination centre or at a community pharmacy setting. You can book an appointment at Taunton Racecourse, Bath & West Showground, Ashton Gate in Bristol or Locking Pharmacy in Weston Super Mare. However, if you do not wish or are unable to attend one of the mass vaccination centres or a communty pharmacy, you can wait to be invited by text or phone to attend the local vaccination centre.
Age 50+ book your COVID vaccination here
For all those under 50 without a long term condition, we are grateful for your continued patience. You will be contacted very shortly. Please do not ring the surgery about COVID vaccinations as we are unable to tell you any more than this at present.
COVID Vaccination Fraud
We are aware that there are a number of criminals harnessing the vaccination programme and using it as a way to target member of the public and tricking them into handing over cash or financial details.
There are a number of ways in which this is being done including:
- Convincing looking text messages (although genuine texts HAVE just been sent out)
- Phoning people directly pretending to be from the NHS or from a local pharmacy
The NHS will never do the following:
- Ask for payment – the vaccine is free
- Ask for your bank details
- Arrive unannounced at your home to administer the vaccines
- Ask you to prove your identity by sending copies of your personal documents, such as your passport.
Please review this helpful information and share with friends and family who may not be alert to these scams.
Eligible patients may have received a text message inviting them to book their COVID vaccination. Please be reassured that this is genuine and click on the link to book.
Volunteers - if you are interested in volunteering in any capacity to help at COVID vaccination centres, please e-mail the following
Please continue to follow the government guidelines and stay alert.
What should I look out for after vaccination?
Although serious side effects are very rare, if you experience any of the following from around 4 days to 4 weeks after vaccination you should seek medical advice urgently.
• a new, severe headache which is not helped by usual painkillers or is getting worse
• a headache which seems worse when lying down or bending over or
• an unusual headache that may be accompanied by:
– blurred vision, nausea and vomiting
– difficulty with your speech
– weakness, drowsiness or seizures
• new, unexplained pinprick bruising or bleeding
• shortness of breath, chest pain, leg swelling or persistent abdominal pain
What Can I do?
Keep Yourself Informed
It is essential that you keep yourself up to date with current advice, you can find this on the website. You can also use this website to access the NHS 111 online service if you are concerned that you may be developing symptoms.
If you are Asthmatic you can find the Asthma UK Coronavirus advice here.
If you haven't already we would urge all patients to sign up for our SMS service. This is by far the fastest and easiest way for us to keep you up to date. You can find the form at the bottom of this page.
Contain the Virus
If you, or a member of your household, notice any of these symptoms:
- a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back
- a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you have noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
You must stay at home. You should arrange a coronavirus test and read the official NHS guidance on staying at home here. You can find full guidance on when to self isolate and how long to stay at home here.
What is Cheddar Medical Centre doing?
In the interests of looking after our patients and staff at this difficult time we have also made several changes to the way we operate.
We are asking all patients to wear a face covering if visiting the practice in person. You can find a demonstration of how to make your own face covering here.
Admin: Referrals/Letters/Prescriptions
We are asking all patients to avoid coming to the surgery unless they have an appointment. If you normally collect your prescription from us please choose a pharmacy and we will send your prescription there. If you would normally submit a prescription request on paper you can post your request through the door, sending it to us via post or email it to us (request forms and email addresses can be found at the bottom of this page)
We are continuing to process letters, referrals etc. but please be prepared for a slightly longer wait than usual, especially if yours is a routine request.
We are not able to issue sick notes for people who are self-isolating due to coronavirus. However you can download and print a self-certification letter to give to your employer at the bottom of this page.
The usual rules regarding prescriptions still apply and we will continue to process your requests within the normal "3 working days" timeframe.
The main door to the building is locked. All visitors are required to answer some questions about their current health and have their temperature checked before they are allowed to come in. This is to protect staff and patients.
If you have a pre-booked appointment and no symptoms of coronavirus you will be allowed into the building. Otherwise you will be asked to wait outside while we deal with your query. Anyone with symptoms of coronavirus will be told to return home and self-isolate immediately.
For the foreseeable future the majority of GP appointments will be conducted over the telephone. Unless instructed to come to the practice you should assume that you will receive a phone call from a doctor at around the time of your appointment. Please make sure your phone is charged and within reach at this time.
Appointments with nurses will be restricted to only things which are immediately necessary and you should notify us if you develop any symptoms ahead of your appointment.
Contacting us
Our phone lines are extremely busy at the moment however there are other ways to contact us:
Online: If you have signed up for online access you can request prescriptions here.
Post: Our postal address can be found at the top of our website. You can find useful forms below which can be printed and sent to us.
Useful Documents
Self Isolation Note - you can use this link to generate a self-isolation note in the event that you (or someone in your household) develops symptoms of coronavirus.
Prescription Request Form
Registration Form
Temporary Registration Form
SMS Messaging Service - Consent Form